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You're viewing Crash Of The Titans Cheat Codes

Game Name : Crash Of The Titans
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-03-18 03:05:58
Views : 27251

Crash's Skins
These are the skins you can get for Crash. Wearing the skin makes it so you can knock-out/kill the creature your skin is from. Ex. If you wear the Spike Skin, you can knock him out in one hit, then jack him.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Battler SkinJack 35 Battlers
Bratgirl SkinDefeat 130 Brat Girls
Doom Monkey SkinDefeat 500 Doom Monkeys
EE-Lectric SkinJack 50 EE-Lectrics
Goar SkinJack 30 Goars
Goar SkinJack 30 Goars
Halloween SkinComplete 50% of the game.
Koo-ala SkinDefeat 150 Koo-Alas
Magmadon SkinJack 50 Magmadons
Ratnician SkinDefeat 200 Ratnicians
Rhinoroller SkinJack 30 Rhinorollers
Scorporilla SkinJack 15 Scorporillas
Shellephant SkinJack 15 Shellephants
Sludge SkinJack 50 Sludges
Snipe SkinJack 50 Snipes
Spike SkinJack 50 Spikes
Stench SkinJack 50 Stenches
Valentine SkinCollect all Gold Idols
Voodoo Bunnie SkinDefeat 200 Voodoo Bunnies

Easier jacks
Wear a skin that matches the creature to be backed. A single hit will knock it out, allowing it to be jacked easily.

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